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Delete Monitoring for Partner Account

Partners can delete a k9 customer account monitoring configuration using the k9 API with:

DELETE /partner/{partnerId}/customer/{partnerCustomerId}/account/{accountId}

When you successfully delete an account configuration, the configuration will be removed and k9 Security will no longer analyze it.

Request Headers

Set the Content-Type header to application/json

Request Path Parameters

The delete account configuration API requires three path parameters:

partnerId: the k9 Partner ID that manages the account to analyze, e.g. P123456. k9 Security will provide the Partner ID to the partner.

Type: String

Pattern: P[\d]{6}

partnerCustomerId: the partner's own unique customer or tenant identifier for the managed customer environment, e.g. a UUID, AWS Organization ID, SHA256 digest

Type: String

Pattern: [\w-_.]{6,64}

accountId: the AWS account ID to configure monitoring for, e.g. 123456789012

Type: String

Pattern: [\d]{12}

Request Body

The request body is empty.



When you successfully delete an account configuration, the API will respond with:

Response Status Code: 200 (Success)

Response Body (Example):

  "partnerId": "P123456",
  "partnerCustomerId": "abcd-1234-defg-5678",
  "customerId": "P123456-430363089266",
  "provider": "aws",
  "accountId": "123456789012"

Note: The delete operation is idempotent. Deleting a non-existent resource will succeed.

Not Authorized

If the calling principal is not authorized to delete the account configuration or it does not exist, the API will respond with:

Response Status Code: 403 (Forbidden)

Response Body (Example):

  "message": "Caller is not authorized to delete the account configuration."

Last update: January 17, 2025